
Showing posts from September, 2018

PresidentsLAD/Blog #8: Washington's Farewell Address

George Washington has completed his second term and he was very popular with the people, who urged him to run again and go into his third term. However, he preferred to leave it as is and return to a much more stressless life. He warns the people about factions because too many different beliefs can conflict with each other, preventing unity. A united nation was important to him because it allowed everybody to connect and join together against matters that may affect America in the future. He also warns about American's political stance, for we must refrain from becoming enemies with other countries or even allies. Neutrality is key and not getting too involved in another nation will be beneficial in the long run. Most importantly, the Constitution meant a great deal to Washington and he promoted the people to abide by it. The Constitution included many principles to follow by

LAD/Blog #7: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

In the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793, Washington first acknowledges the war between Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, the United Netherlands, and France. He proceeds by declaring the United States as neutral among these conflicts and encourages to citizens to be neutral as well. They shall not act hostile towards any of the nations or aid them with supplies either, for they will be punished if they do. They will lose protection from the government and be prosecuted.  Woodrow Wilson kept the United States neutral in WWI until 1917

LAD/Blog #6: Federalist Paper #10

1.  What is a faction? It is a group consisting of people that share the same beliefs or interests. 2.  Are factions good or bad? Factions can be both, depending on the drive behind it and the extremities it's carried to. If they seek to promote the well-being of the people, like standing up against corruption, then it's nothing but beneficial. However, the execution matters and if it results in quite a lot of physical violence, then it's doing more harm than good.  3.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate? It's difficult to eliminate factions due to the fact that it's impossible to form everybody's passions into one singular mold. Each individual has differing ideas from the other and factions are the direct result of that. To remove factions, a restriction would have to be placed on the people's liberty, in a country based on freedom.  4.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled? By focusing on the faction...

Blog #5: Republican Motherhood

1.        What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood? The Revolutionary War transformed the perspective of men held towards women. Although women were still expected to remain at home, tasks besides cleaning or cooking came into light. In document A, women were expected to teach and influence their sons, preparing them to be "good citizens, just humane, and enlightened legislators." Educated women also became more acceptable, for the ability to read, write, and recognize geography was encouraged, as shown in Document B. 2.      What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women? Pressure was placed on these women to shape their sons into an unrealistic and glamorized standard of manhood. Document C states, "The solidity and stability of the liberties of your country rests with you", placing women in charge of America's future. If their sons turn out well-...