
Showing posts from December, 2018

LAD/Blog #26: William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech

This speech was delivered on July 9, 1896. It was made concerning the coinage of silver at a ratio of silver to gold of 16 to 1. He claimed that Democrats brought up the topic and it came at a cost, for love and friendship were put at risk. He does not intend to come off as an aggressor, for his true intent is to defend his family. His petitions have been constantly ignored and mocked, so now is the time for him to escalate it to a new level. This political cartoon depicts him as a savior of the people

LAD/Blog #25: The Dawes Act

This act made it so that the President had the power to divide up the land into reservations for Native Americans to reside on. They had to be relocated and this was the method. The head of each family would control the land given to them. The government also had control in this, for they could decide who to give the land to. This act is similar to the Homestead Act

LAD/Blog #24: Populist (People's) Party Platform

The preamble discusses the corruption that lies in the government and in the polls, for people are often tempted with bribes and intimidation. The democrat and republican party has continuously fought for power for the past decades. Neither of them has made an effort to combat the growing problem for the working class. The platform declares that the wealth belongs to those who contributed to the labor involved. Additionally, there should be a stable and safe national currency. The resolutions included a free ballot, pensions to ex-Union soldiers, shorter working hours, and for people to stop buying goods from companies that carry out oppression. Donald Trump shares similar ideas presented, for he supports the working class and argues for greater benefits.

LAD/Blog #23: McKinley's War Message

President Mckinley addresses the tensions between Cuba and Spain, which has caused damage to American trade, commerce, and the public's wellbeing. He also had several other reasons to go to war, and believes that this issue should be dealt with by Congress. The reasons were that conflict was occurring near the United States, it interfered with trade and America had a responsibility to protect the Cubans. Although he was previously against the thought of going to war, his mindset has changed. Mckinley also addressed the sinking of the USS Maine, which contributed to the war

LAD/Blog #22: Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth

Social Darwinism focuses on survival of the strongest and relies on natural selection to eliminate the weak. Carnegie states that before society revolutionized, there was a common belief that the poor and rich should both contribute towards a common goal. However, a economic divide between the higher and lower class is actually more beneficial. This difference is necessary for society to progress as it has led to a faster growth in areas like art and literature. A motive behind the civilians of the upper class when they earn money is mainly for the purpose of other people. This results in philanthropic efforts, like sharing their money with society. The more money one earns, the more responsible they are for sharing it. Bill Gates reminds of me Carnegie because he is also a philanthropist and often donates his money towards those who are less fortunate.